关于英语教学方面硕士学位论文范文 和谈高中英语教学中的导课环节方面学年毕业论文范文



“ 入境” 才能生趣.因此在教学中我们教师一定要重视抓好“导入”这一环节.好的导入可以使学生在心理上和知识上充分做好学习准备,为新课的教学创造条件,更能有效集中学生动机,引导学生进入良好的学习状态,顺利地进入新课的学习.那么怎样才能搞好英语课堂的“导课”呢?笔者结合多年教学实践,浅谈几点自己的做法.


中学生爱好比较广泛,自我表现也比较强烈.我们教师可以择机把娱乐活动引进英语课堂,这种让学生主动参与活动导入新课会起到水到渠成的效果.例如,在圣诞节这一天上课时,可以让学生演唱耳熟能详的圣诞歌曲Silent Night《平安夜》JingleBells《铃儿响叮当》,或者我们教师给同学们放录音甚至教师亲自演唱.这样通过歌曲既激发了学生兴趣又自然而然地导入新课.有时还可以择机进行即兴表演或者师生活动,例如:“教师发问---学生表演”式 (a) To say hello---Shaking one’s hand (b) To say good bye ---Wingone’s hand (c) To say good luck---Crossing the finger (d) To say welldone ---Thumbs up (e) To show that youare unhappy ---Making a face (f) Toshow anger ---Shaking one’s fist (g)To say I’m afraid---Holding up one’s head (h) To say let me try---Puttingup one’s hand .通过这种一问一答让学生积极参与活动,既发挥了其主观能动性、激发了兴趣;又达到了顺利导课的目的,真可谓“一石二鸟”.

二.用英语介绍日常生活小常识导入新课用日常生活小常识导课,学生更为熟悉,效果也会事半功倍.例如,(一) Artificial Ventilation(急救常识:人工呼吸)——Step 1, Toensure an open airway ,first clear thecasualty’s mouth of obstructions. Thenplace one hand under his chin and one onhis forehead, and tilt his head back;Step 2, Pinching the casualty’s noseshut, clamp your mouth over his mouth,and blow steadily for about two secondsuntil his chest rises. Remove your mouth let his chest fall, then repeat. Step3, Listen for the casualty’s breathingand check his pulse. If he still hasa pulse, give 10 breaths per minutesuntil help arrives or the casualty isbreathing by himself. If the casualty’s pulse has stopped, begin artificialventilation with chest compression.

(二) How to treat a fracture(如何救助骨折病人)------Step1.Suppose thefractured limb by holding one hand belowthe fracture and one above it. Keepholding until the fracture is completelyimmobilized. Step2. Keep the fractureimmobilized by making a splint. Use thecasualty’s own body. If the fractureis on one of the arms, apply somepadding and a sling, then bandage thearm to the patient’s body so it won’t move.Step3. Make sure you immobilizethe joints above and below a fracture,e.g. the upper arm and the lower armif the elbow is fractured. Step4. Tiethe bandages firmly…but not so tightlythat the circulation of the blood isprevented. Step5. Check pulse every 10minutes. Step 6. After the fractureis immobilized, if possible raise thelimb to minimize any further bleedingand swelling which otherwise occur.Whatever injuries you suspect, rememberit’s vital to move the casualty aslittle as possible. If you can get helpfast, wait for the ambulance team ratherthan treat a fracture yourself.通过讲解日常生活小常识,让学生懂得小常识,然后在生活中运用小常识方便自己帮助别人.在某种程度上讲,我们教师传授一些日常生活小常识给学生恐怕比用其导课的意义更重大,这一举两得的事情我们教师何乐而不为呢?

三.适时讲一些英语小故事导入新课我们教师可以用讲一些生动的英语小故事导入新课,使学生一开始就能集中注意力,从而激发其求知欲.例如,在讲到与残疾相关的话题时,我们可以通过美国总统富兰克林的一句名言------“The only thing we he to fear iear itself”,把富兰克林总统的故事讲给学生.故事是:In 1921, Franklin D.Roosevelt took his family sailing oneday and he fell into the cold waters.The next day, a forest fire broke out.Franklin and his children helped tofight the forest fire and put it out.It was hard and tiring work. After thefire was put out, Franklin was sick .Itwas polio. He could not move his legs.The doctors said he could never walkagain.

M a n y m e n w o u l d g i v e u p t h e n .Franklin Roosevelt did not give up. Hebegan to work to get well again. Eventhough he could not get out of bed,he did exercises, and his shouldersand arms grew very strong. At last thedoctors let him out of bed, but he hadto wear hey metal braces on his legs.The he went to Warm Springs, Georgia.He swam in the warm waters there .Eventhough it was painful to move his legs.He kept on swimming and exercising them.He grew better until he could lee thebraces off. He could walk with only acane to help him.

“The only thing we he to fear iear itself,” President Roosevelt toldthe people.通过这则故事告诫学生应该像故事中主人翁所具有的身残志坚的良好健康的心理素质和不懈努力的坚强品格.此外告诉学生泰戈尔的一句名言:“世界之路并没有铺满鲜花,每一步都有荆棘,但是你必须走过那条荆棘的路,愉快地微笑,这是对人的考验,你必须把愁转变为有所得,变辛酸为甜蜜.”








